PKN Mart business plan is very simple and 80% distribution.
Company work
Refer & Earn model Network marketng
PKN is Safe
It doesn't cost a penny to do business with PKN Mart.
PKN Services Pvt. Ltd.
Our Vision
In five years, we want to be India's top direct-selling business. In order to become the top taxpayer ,We make a small contribution to the development of our nation.We wish to build up our distributors' physical, mental, and financial strength while also ensuring that our consumers are satisfied.
Our Mission
Giving the Indian people excellent health and riches is our goal. In addition to creating a platform where people can work toward their goals. Our goal is to empower women. India should become "ATAM NIRBHAR BHARAT," in our opinion.Managing our charitable trust is our main responsibility. You can assist a lot of folks who are in need if you join the PKN platform.